Tuesday, 8 May 2012

Thanks for visiting!

Today I'm pleased to say that I have a blog post published in the online version of the Guardian newspaper. Despite a great demand for qualified linguists in the UK the job marker remains tough and getting the job (and indeed career) you dream of can take a lot of hard work, as well as tears and frustration. Then again you have to see it as a journey and not a one-way trip! (Sorry I hate that "journey" metaphor - it's very over-used!)

As you can see from the post I've recently started a new job so posts here on Happy Linguist have been a bit sparse this month - I can only apologise.

I've also had a blog post published on Heriot Watt University's lifeinlincs blog, written from a translator's perspective, please feel free to read and comment on that.

I hope to have some new and fresh blogs for you soon, so please bookmark the page and visit again soon!

1 comment:

  1. Paul,

    I saw your comments on the Guardian. You can email me at tomcasagranda@yahoo.co.uk as I am a Latin scholar. I have added what I think also of gubernatorial employment below.



    I missed this, and am tremendously disappointed as a consequence.

    Many years' back I graduated with a first in Classics, and, consequently, took a Masters in the Classical Tradition, which is all about the reception of the Ancient World. Since graduating in 1997, employment has been awful in the extreme. I have gone through the mind-numbing low paid government roles, until I accepted redundancy. I have, perhaps misguidedly, perhaps hopefully, that employment should match ability, but this has never been the case.

    I have always wished, always desired, always felt that a copy-writing job would be perfect for me. Ancient Greek Rhetoric was a course that I excelled in at university, but these jobs never come along. I have even suffered someone at my local Jobseekers recommend that I remove my degree as it would not create the scenario of me being over-qualified.

    I find that, to think outside the box in an institutionalised gubernatorial role, is the equivalent of Macmurphy questioning Nurse Ratchett in One Flew Over The Cuckoo's Nest: they, the powers that be, will only let you do it for so long, and then they will break you in two.

    I am on my second spell of unemployment. I have, consequently, kicked into touch and refused to bother with applying for anything on www.directgov.uk, the officially sanctioned JSA website, as it is far too Procrustean, dumbed-down, for me, and the roles are not challenging enough for me.

    I just wish someone would consider me for something talented, as I am a Briton with academic talents, intellectual talents, writing talents, and not someone that can bring a dog on stage. I am, also, introverted until I have a pen or a typewriter by my side, and then I can write away on any given subject.


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